(not affiliated with topkek... only the keks)
The thesis
“99% of memes go to zero.”
We get it. You’ve been chasing the next moonshot on PumpFun, but you’ve consistently ended up holding bags that crash into oblivion. Well, here at TOP KEK, we’re doing things differently. Our approach is simple: we create a thesis, plan our investment, and head to zero together.At least you’ll have fun!
The mastermind
Meet 0xKDOT, the Co-founder of BSCNews, and Co-founder & GP of MH Ventures & 300DAO.
With years of experience managing successful ventures, KDOT’s expertise and vision are the driving force behind TOP KEK Capital.
Ready to dive in with us? (and send it to zero??)
The fund
The meme-folio
Our biggest conviction bags (that still might go to zero)
Join us pussy